The Silent Dance

Proudly this series has been submitted to the Professional Sony World Photography Awards. Realizing this work took lots of dedication, many visits to the nearby forest often ending up with empty hands. I had a specific combination of optimal light and fog density in mind. Till one day, I finally found what I was looking for. Curious to see whether this serie will be short listed :). Time will tell!


There is an unseen side of the forest made out of dreams, lights and paths. One can walk the same route everyday but it holds and unveil new secrets every time. There are tall forest towers with their cloudy foliage above our heads. Its silence hides the many living in the forest, silently observing as we pass through.

Suddenly the sun shines through the tall towers. Hidden paths are revelated through the silent trees dancing before me.

I silently wait there, timeless in the mist all around me…wordlessly observing a world made of changing lights.